Lives Of Great Men All Remind Us
We Can Make Our Lives Sublime,
And, Departing, Leave Behind Us
Footprints On The Sands Of Time;
Footprints, That Perhaps Another,
Sailing O’er Life’s Solemn Main,
A Forlorn And Shipwrecked Brother,
Seeing, Shall Take Heart Again.

Pastor Claude Poulter

Brother Claude Poulter was born in Zimbabwe (formerly Southern Rhodesia) in 1937 and was married to Sister Felicity in 1960.

It was in New Zealand in the year 1965 that he came to know the Lord through the end time Message in a small town called Opotiki.

They moved to Australia in 1986 and the church began with a few families gathering together at home until 1988 when brother Claude officially became Pastor.

From home gatherings the church grew; believers migrated to Australia from other countries and the church gathered at various locations around the community.

Brother Claude always had a deep desire for outreach and missionary work and it was upon his heart to share the Message of the hour with the broader community.

Locally, the fellowship evangelised nearby country towns. They travelled to these rural communities and conducted church services.

Overseas, the Lord opened up the way for brother Claude to travel to Indonesia. The Lord used him in a very special way where he was instrumental in spreading the Word, encouraging the believers and taking them deeper into the Opening of the Word and the unsearchable riches of Christ.

Brother Claude's life was an inspiration to the Bride of Christ in this generation. He was an example to us all by his love and devotion to the Lord, the church and his family.

Our precious brother was promoted to Glory in 2018.

After the passing of Brother Claude, the work of the Lord has earnestly continued both in Perth and Indonesia. God has raised up able leaders, ministers, workers and helps to serve in God's field.

Spoken Word Fellowship continues to grow in numbers, and most importantly, in the stature of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our services and gatherings fulfil Matthew 24:28. "For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together."

We are all united by our love for the Revealed Word of the hour and the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ.