Ezra’s Testimony

When he was around three months old, Ezra developed a perianal fistula (a small abscess or mucus tract near his anus). We tried two rounds of topical antibiotics but it would still flare up and drain approximately every ten days. This went on for about four months. 

The doctor sent him for an ultrasound, which confirmed what it was, and he was referred to Perth Children’s Hospital. We were soon notified that he was scheduled for surgery on Wednesday, 12th May 2024. It was a minor procedure, but in my heart I didn’t want him going through surgery, general anesthetic and antibiotics while he was still so little. 

In the meantime we had been praying for him, and took him through the prayer line when Bro Patrick was visiting. Afterwards the children asked if it was still there, and I replied I could still see it. They asked why we were going for surgery, and I felt that we had to keep the appointment, but also to have a doctor’s confirmation of his healing. 

On the morning of the surgery I took him to the hospital early. He had to fast for a number of hours. We went through all the pre-surgery paperwork, checking his weight and length, signing the consent forms, confirming his clothing was suitable with no metal buttons etc. The anesthetist came and spoke to me about what to expect. When the surgical team did their round, one of the surgeons asked to have one more look before he went in to theatre, and said, “It is all healed up on its own. There is nothing there, what you can see on the outside is just a scar. No surgery is necessary.”

A friend who works as a nurse said they don’t heal on their own.

We know it was the Healing Hand of the Lord, and all glory to Him. He still heals, and is mindful of every little thing.